
联系人: 张晨旭

当前位置 -> 首页行业资讯短期国内小口径焊管价格或趋于弱势普遍报稳 发布时间:(2019/2/16)关键词:小口径焊管



无锡主流管厂出厂价格适度回吐。随着利好的弱化,从昨日开始期货掉头向下调整,现货市场涨幅也出现明显收窄的情况,市场逐渐回归基本面。就目前而言,市场仍处于 启动前的准备阶段,管厂、下游贸易商以及终端工地并未完全返市,尽管开门红拉动市场情绪但实质的交投情况较弱,总的来看本轮快涨快跌对市场影响不大。受瑞 丰带钢价格下跌影响,今日无锡地区大部分管厂出厂报价下调30-60元不等,现主流管厂焊管4寸(3.75mm)出厂报价在3900-4360元之间。下 游市场,今日各地区报价普遍报稳,下游贸易商仍在不断返市,正常营业仍需初十以后。春节期间,焊管库存增减并不明显,目前累库不多对行情形成一定支撑, 但后期仍需关注上游开工情况和终端需求的释放情况,短期国内焊镀管价格或趋于弱势。
Wuxi mainstream pipe factory factory ex-factory price moderate rebate. With the weakening of the positive, the futures market began to adjust downward from yesterday. The spot market also showed a marked narrowing, and the market gradually returned to the fundamentals. At present, the market is still in the preparatory stage before the start of the market, management plants, downstream traders and terminal sites have not fully returned to the market. Although the opening bonus stimulates market sentiment, the actual trading situation is weak. Generally speaking, the rapid rise and fall of this round has little impact on the market. Influenced by the falling price of Ruifeng strip steel, most of the pipe plants in Wuxi area have reduced their ex-factory quotations by 30-60 yuan. Now the ex-factory quotations of 4 inches (3.75 mm) of welded pipes in mainstream pipe plants are between 3900-4360 yuan. In the downstream market, quotations are generally stable in all regions today, and downstream traders are still returning to the market. Normal business still needs to be after the tenth day. During the Spring Festival, the increase and decrease of welded and plated pipe inventory is not obvious. At present, there are not many pairs of lines to support the situation. However, in the later period, we still need to pay attention to the upstream start-up situation and the release of terminal demand, and the short-term domestic price of welded and plated pipe will tend to be weak.

 价格方面:国内重点城市4寸(3.75mm)焊管的平均价格为4216元,各中心城 市焊管报价暂与昨日持平。
Price: The average price of 4-inch (3.75mm) welded pipe in key cities in China is 4216 yuan, and the price quoted by central cities is still the same as yesterday.


上一条:国内市场是薄壁焊管需求淡季产量也有所减少 下一条:下周无锡薄壁方管市场价格继续震荡调整
本站网址:http://www.wxjrgg.com 来源:锦润钢管  浏览次数:4924 
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